Common Frustrations When Dealing With The IRS When You Owe Back Taxes

Dealing with the IRS can be a daunting and frustrating experience, especially
when attempting to resolve substantial tax debt independently.

Many taxpayers find themselves entangled in a web of bureaucracy, with
confusing and complex procedures.
In this article, we’ll shed light on the major areas of frustration that individuals
face when trying to contact the IRS on their own and explain why seeking
professional tax relief assistance is often the best path to resolution.

1. Endless Wait Times & Automated Phone Systems

One of the most common frustrations taxpayers encounter when contacting the IRS is enduring long wait times on hold. The sheer volume of callers
seeking assistance often leads to extended wait periods, leaving individuals
frustrated and wasting valuable time.

On top of dealing with the wait times, navigating the IRS’s automated phone
system can feel like an endless loop of menu options, recordings, and prompts.
Many taxpayers struggle to reach a live representative or get answers to their
specific questions. Professional tax relief firms like ours have dedicated numbers
for professionals, as well as staff and processes for getting in touch with the IRS
or state on your behalf.

2. Lack of Clarity and Inconsistent Information

IRS communications can be laden with complex jargon and technical terms
that are challenging for the average taxpayer to decipher. Understanding
notices, forms, and tax codes often requires expert knowledge.

Taxpayers may also receive conflicting information or advice from different
IRS representatives. This inconsistency can lead to confusion and hinder
progress in resolving tax issues, and often, it can make your problems worse.

3. Lengthy Response Times

When taxpayers correspond with the IRS through mail or fax, response times
can be excruciatingly slow. Waiting weeks or months for a reply can delay the
resolution process and amplify frustration.

4. Complex Documentation & Form Requirements
Submitting the required documentation to the IRS can be an intricate and
demanding task. Missing or incorrect documents can lead to further delays and

Not only is the documentation difficult, but IRS forms are notorious for their
complexity. Filling out forms accurately can be challenging, and errors can
lead to rejected submissions and additional hassles.

5. Intimidating IRS Notices & Negotiating

Receiving a notice from the IRS can be intimidating, especially when it
includes legal language and threats of penalties or liens. Many taxpayers feel
overwhelmed and unsure how to respond effectively.
Once they eventually get in touch with an IRS representative, the negotiation
process can be a stressful endeavor. Taxpayers may feel unequipped to handle
the negotiation process, leading to unfavorable outcomes.
Given the myriad challenges and frustrations associated with navigating the
IRS independently, many individuals turn to tax resolution professionals for

Tax relief firms like ours have knowledge, experience, and resources to:
● Expedite the resolution process by communicating directly with the IRS
on the taxpayer’s behalf.
● Interpret complex tax codes, notices, and forms.
● Negotiate favorable terms for tax debt repayment.
● Provide clarity and guidance throughout the process.
● Alleviate the stress and anxiety associated with IRS interactions.

The frustrations of dealing with the IRS on your own are undeniable. From
interminable wait times to intricate documentation requirements, taxpayers
often find themselves overwhelmed and disheartened.

Seeking professional help from a reputable tax resolution company like Diehl CPA, LLC ( can be the most effective
way to navigate the complex world of tax debt resolution, offering individuals the support and expertise needed to achieve a favorable outcome while
alleviating the burden of IRS-related stress.
Contact our office today at (907) 313-6933 for a free, no-obligation
consultation and let us deal with the IRS for you.