Why Construction Contractors Need Tax Resolution Services

Construction contractors often face complex tax issues that can be difficult to navigate independently. These issues can include disputes with the IRS, audits, and penalties for noncompliance. Many…

Diehl CPA Tax Preparation

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and stressed during tax season? Do you dread the thought of preparing and filing your taxes? Look no further, because Diehl CPA is here to help. Our team of…

Why Real Estate Agents/Brokers Need Tax Resolution Services

As a real estate agent, you constantly seek ways to maximize your income and minimize expenses. One area that real estate agents often overlook is tax relief services. Tax relief services can help…

IRS Form 843 "Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement" Explained

IRS Form 843, or the "Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement," is a form taxpayers use to request a refund of taxes paid or a reduction in tax liability. The form is also used to request…

IRS Form 433-B "Collection Information Statement for Businesses" Explained

IRS Form 433-B is a financial statement form used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to gather information about a taxpayer's financial condition. It is commonly used by taxpayers who are…

IRS Form 8829 "Business Use of Home" Explained

The IRS Form 8829, "Expenses for Business Use of Your Home," is used by taxpayers to claim a deduction for the business use of their home. This includes costs related to the maintenance and operation…

IRS Form 433-D "Collection Information Statement for Wage Earners and Self-Employed" Explained

IRS Form 433-D, or the Collection Information Statement for Wage Earners and Self-Employed Individuals, is a form the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) uses to gather information about a taxpayer's…

IRS Form 433-F "Collection Information Statement for Businesses" Explained

IRS Form 433-F, also known as the Collection Information Statement for Businesses, is a form used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to gather information about a business's financial condition.…

IRS Form 13711 "Identity Theft Affidavit" Explained

IRS Form 13711, also known as the "Identity Theft Affidavit," is used by individuals who believe they are victims of identity theft concerning their taxes. The form is used to report identity theft…

IRS Form 656 "Offer in Compromise" Explained

IRS Form 656, also known as the Offer in Compromise, is used by taxpayers to request that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) settle their tax debt for less than the total amount owed. This form is…