7 Tax Relief Strategies for Freelancers

As the gig economy continues to thrive, more individuals are embracing freelance work as their primary source of income. While freelancing offers flexibility and independence, it comes with unique…

Avoiding Tax Scams: Tips for Protecting Yourself from Fraudulent Tax Relief Services

In today's digital age, where information is readily available at our fingertips, it’s important that we remain vigilant and wary against fraudulent schemes and scams, especially when seeking tax…

7 Reasons Taxpayers Get An IRS Audit

Facing an IRS audit is a daunting experience. The idea of having your financial records scrutinized by the most feared collection agency, the IRS, can shake anyone to their core. The cost in both…

Lien vs. Levy: Deciphering Tax Terminology

Taxes can be complex and overwhelming. When back tax debt comes into the picture, things can get more complicated and stressful. If you fail to pay your back taxes, two terms often surface: "lien"…

5 Reasons to Reach Out to a Tax Resolution Professional

Tax issues can be complex and overwhelming, and when you find yourself facing IRS problems or unmanageable tax debt, it may be time to seek assistance from a tax resolution professional. Tax…

10 Pitfalls: How Individuals Often Find Themselves in IRS Trouble

Paying taxes is a civic responsibility that every working American is subjected to. However, millions of Americans find themselves in hot water with the IRS. Some are intentional and others are…

Business Owners: Owe Back Taxes? Actionable Steps for Facing IRS Debt

Entrepreneurship can be hard. Some years are good, others are not so great. But every year, like clockwork, the IRS comes calling and asks you for what’s theirs. Small businesses often face…

Tax Relief 101: Exploring Different Forms of Tax Relief and Who Qualifies

Taxation, while a civic duty that keeps our country running, can sometimes become a hefty burden for individuals and businesses, especially during challenging economic times. Fortunately, the tax…

Common Frustrations When Dealing With The IRS When You Owe Back Taxes

Dealing with the IRS can be a daunting and frustrating experience, especially when attempting to resolve substantial tax debt independently. Many taxpayers find themselves entangled in a web of…

Understanding Tax Penalties: How They Accumulate and Ways to Minimize Them

Tax Penalties Can Be Costly When filing your taxes, one misstep and you might face tax penalties and interest that can quickly accumulate, adding strain to your financial situation. This article aims…